Oooh, touchy subject. Personally I'm a fan. But I also have ridiculously strong opinions on it. Like everything I guess I'm very divided.
The point I would like to start on is pressure. Pressure to drink alcohol. Under the influence, everything seems a lot more fun. Temptation is rife and it is almost always taken up on. Many affairs are started under the influence, a one night stand is almost unheard of without alcohol, and friends are made with it.
I go to university and I would not have made the friends I did without alcohol, well I would of but it would have taken longer. For example we all had to do the, 'Hi, I'm Katie, I live in B block', thing but we didn't really talk to anyone outside our flat until pre-drinks and although I ended up friends with these people outside of alcohol, it sure got there a hell of a lot quicker with alcohol. For example I opened up about a few bits of my life to the girls, that I now constitute as 'my girls', after about four hours and that's no exaggeration.
I have a friend, who decided to go sober in order to go on a diet, and she did it, and she still managed to have fun. She got to laugh at everyone who was drunk and she got to relate all the stories the next day. In fact one night I joined her sober, and apart from the awkward dancing and the realisation of how your friends act when drunk it really was fun. Alcohol isn't needed to have fun.
Of course I didn't choose to stay sober for the last nights of term (neither for that matter did she) but it influenced many of my decisions (going to an 'after party' with a dj, finding the pulling of a letterbox off a wall absolutely hilarious and giving some random boy my number), I like to think these things would have happened anyway but who knows..
Another note on alcohol is that it does generally calm you down. It's good for nerves. But I guess this is on the right person. For example I was getting ready for a date recently and I was extremely nervous so my friend practically shoved a glass of Baileys down my throat, and after a while it began to sink in and I really did become a little more comfortable.
The reason I'm writing this post though, is because apparently going sober is 'boring'. I personally disagree, I don't think that going sober is boring, I mean just because I'm not chatting up every guy, ditching my friends, making friends with people I don't know/ don't like, doesn't mean I'm not boring. Surely conversation is enough. Recently I went on a night out with almost all of my uni lot and I think between the thirteen of us I think we consumed about seven alcoholic drinks and I think that was the most fin I'd had in ages. We attended a pub quiz and we were practically rolling around in laughter at everything.
You do NOT need alcohol to have fun. This is my strong belief, and if you do you must be a REALLY boring person.
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